
Travelcube API integration for Hotels Booking

Travelcube API integration for Hotels Booking

We are a web development company having expertise in various API integrations and custom API development solutions for several businesses like online hotel booking, theatre ticket bookings, online restaurant bookings, bar data listing and several other REST and SOAP-based APIs. In this article, we’ll cover an overview of travelcube API.

Travelcube provides an API solution for the integration of hotel listing and booking management systems. It has some simple steps in the whole process.

All below requests will need ClientID, EMailAddress, Password, RequestMode (SYNCHRONOUS /ASYNCHRONOUS), DestinationType (For example: city), DestinationCode (For example: LON) and Language (For example: en) mandatory.

1) Search Hotels :

This method is used to search hotels near any destination; this request is created by the SearchItemRequest XML tag.


<SearchItemRequest ItemType="'.$ItemType.'">

<ItemDestination  DestinationType="'.$DestinationType.'" DestinationCode="'.$DestinationCode.'">

</SearchItemRequest >

In response It returns all hotels listing , which we can cache in our local database for further use .


2) Search Item Information :

This method is used to get complete information about a particular hotel in the parent tag SearchItemInformationRequest and sub-tag ItemCode, where ItemCode is hotel-Id.

Example :

< SearchItemInformationRequest="'.$ItemType.'">

<ItemDestination  DestinationType="'.$DestinationType.'" DestinationCode="'.$DestinationCode.'">


</ SearchItemInformationRequest >


3) Check Availability  & Hotel Details:

This method is used to get hotel room availability on a particular check-in date (CheckInDate) with a total number of days of stay (Duration) in the PeriodOfStay XML tag, in the parent tag SearchHotelPriceRequest.

Example :

<SearchHotelPriceRequest ItemType="'.$ItemType.'">

<ItemDestination  DestinationType="'.$DestinationType.'" DestinationCode="'$DestinationCode.'" />









<Room Code="'.$room_code.'" NumberOfRooms="'.$room_number.'" />


</ SearchHotelPriceRequest>

4) Final Booking :

This method is used to make a final booking of hotels. It needs the following tags:

BookingName: Name of the customer

BookingReference: It is the reference of rooms to be booked.

BookingDepartureDate: Departure date of customer

PaxNames: Number of people, and PaxType for the type of person like “adult” or “child”

BookingItems: It is the details of individual rooms with reference codes.

Example :

<AddBookingRequest Currency="'.$currency.'">





<PaxName PaxId="1" PaxType = "adult">'.$name1.'</PaxName>



<BookingItem ItemType="'.$item_type.'" ExpectedPrice="'.$expected_price.'">


<ItemCity Code="'.$city_code.'" />

<Item Code="'.$item_code.'" />






<HotelPaxRoom Adults="'.$total_adults.'" Children = "0" Cots="0" Id="'$selected_room_id.'" >









After successful booking, a booking reference code is returned, which can be used in further communication with hotels and cancellation of hotels.

Hope you enjoyed this article. Let us know if you are interested in implementing Travelcube API for hotel booking on your website.

As a custom API development provider that runs in the cloud or on-premises, Ficode will eliminate your app integration bottlenecks while reducing costs and dramatically speeding up your time to market.


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