
HotelsPro – Best API for Online Hotels Booking System

HotelsPro - Best API for Online Hotels Booking System

Are you looking for Hotels API for your own online business of hotels rooms bookings, or you are wondering to implement an API in your project for hotels booking, then this blog is for you.

Let’s understand about HotelsPro API more elaborately

What is HotelsPro ?

HotelsPro provides seamless API Integration with hotels searching and booking in your project. It is JSON based Application Programming Interface (API). It avail the facility to fetch up-to-date inventory of HotelsPro including hotels, properties, facilities, countries, destinations and regions, searching hotels, checking room availability, booking and cancellation and many more.

These are some steps in HotelsPro API workflow which you can use in your application

1. SEARCH : This method is used to search hotels by different parameters like : checkin date , checkout date , pax (amount of person like: pax = 2,12,11  means 2 adults, 2 children with ages of 12 and 11 ), currency and client_nationality etc.


GET /api/v2/search/?pax=4&checkout=2018-01-25&checkin=2018-01-20&hotel_code=10e6dd&client_nationality=gb&currency=GBP

Hotels can be searched by latitude and longitude also

Example :

GET /api/v2/search/?pax=1&checkout=2018-01-25&checkin=2018-01-20&lat=48.848&lon=2.244&radius=2000&client_nationality=gb&currency

Hotels can be searched by only destination code also

Example :

GET /api/v2/search/?destination_code=11260

Or for a particular hotel by hotel_code also

Example :

GET /api/v2/search/? hotel_code=14097e

2. CHECK AVAILABILITY : This /hotel-availability endpoint is used in hotels detail page to get all available rooms of a particular hotel in a time range. It just has two parameters, search_code (got from last search api response) and hotel_code.


GET /api/v2/hotel-availability/?search_code=20170120_5_1_1_76_9fc721a769jhg8768dfg87dfsg8fdg_&hotel_code=135f3a

3. PROVISION : This method is used to check hotels prices and availability changes just before final booking. It just need code from the response of the search request.

Example :

POST /api/v2/provision/<code>

4. BOOKING : This method is last in booking process, it need code from provision request to complete booking with name, email and phone-no of customer.

Example :

POST /api/v2/book/<code>

It returns “confirmation number” which is used further communications and it can be sent to customer also.

5. CANCELLATION : This method is used to cancel the hotel booking, it requires response from booking request.

Example :

POST /api/v2/book/<code>

This is the complete overview of workflow of HotelsPro API. You can know about this API in detail click here

If you need any help in integration of HotesPro API, then feel free to contact us and our expert developers are always ready to help you with integration of any API or custom web development for you.


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